From Packet: HOPPER Message # 24180 Area : 19 MSWindow From : Nill Toulme 10-18-91 11:02 To : Steve Perry Subj : UNICOM 3.0 , Help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SP>1. When I download from my local BBS, Qmail4 Door, the new packet SP>overwrites the old. I have attempted to configure the Zmodem setup to SP>protect the old file but the program reverts to its original setting. This is a bug which has not been fixed as of 3.0a (don't know about b, but I think not there either). Only fix for now is to rename the old packet before dl'ing the new. I'm pretty sure this has been reported to David. SP>2. I have written a script (see below) that signs on, downloads and th SP>hangs. I want it to continue after download; to upload my repli (if an SP>exist on my hard drive) and then hang-up and close Unicom. Does your script just end there? You need another waitfor and continue. Here's the ul/dl portion of my script, which I think I cadged from Brian Gay: Waitfor "Qmail Command?" FindFile "c:\comm\dl\FLAGEX.REP" If Found send "U^M" waitfor "000" SendFile "Zmodem" "c:\comm\dl\FLAGEX.REP" Waitfor "transfer was successful",180 If Waitfor filedelete("c:\comm\dl\FLAGEX.REP") Endif Waitfor "Command" Endif Send "D^M" Waitfor "these messages",120 Send "Y^M" Waitfor "000",120 GetFile "ZMODEM" Waitfor "Qmail Command?" Send "G^M" Exit SP>3. If I have Unicom running and my telephone rings (voice), my compute SP>locks up. Is there some setting I can change to eliminate this problem SP>Also if I am in the middle of a download and one of my children picks SP>an extension, I lose the ability to communicate to the remote board an SP>am forced to re-boot. The first part sounds like you have call-waiting. You should disable this anytime you go online. On most phone systems you do with with *70 or 1170... i.e., make your dialing string ATDT*70,###-####. The only answer I know to the second one is either to lock up your children or get a dedicated line. SP>4. I have an Everex 2496 fax modem which has MNP 5 error correction. H SP>can I configure Unicom to utilize this feature? I had it working under SP>the last version but can't get it working with 3.0 You have to do this using the "User Entered" init string in the Config/Modem menu. Your modem manual will give you the commands you need. Be sure and lock the port at something higher than 2400, e.g., AT$SB9600$BA0. Also, don't use MNP5 but rather MNP4 for transferring packed files... the MNP5 data compression is then redundant and actually slows things down a tad. My modem defaults to compression off; yours may or may not, but there'll be a command to change it. --- þ WinQwk 1.31á #131 þ We're not out of the woodwork yet... þ QNet3á þ ILink: Flagship Express BBS þ Atlanta, GA þ (404) 934-4515 ******************************************************************************